Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Ideas

Ideas are many...but how to execute...............??

Well for eg

How about bonsai business

it shouls also include landscaping,maintaing the garden for customers
more I ideas to customers to have a compact garden,rather a customised garden in their pwn balconmies,since these days there is no place for anyone to have a luxurous garden..most are in flats and the max they can have is a decent balcony,if the balconies are designed in such a way that it looks like a mini is all the effort.what ..say..any ideas........

Second is to design a site where people share ideas about contructung,buying and selling houses
There is always a story after each person,builds or buys a house,like unknowingly,they spent on some material more and came to know about it later,how they tackled a tough mason,how they reduced costs,from which shop in the locality they got the supplies..etc..etc..all these posts will be a new learning for people who want to start new
and also this site should advertise about...goods available,price,discount...and even mason available in particular areas.i feel it will do great..have to keep addding ideas to it